“Building progressive power means electing candidates like Ihssane Leckey who are ready to help build a system that lifts up everyone and reflects the diversity of our country.”
Image: Sopa Images/Getty
“It’s incredibly compelling how Ihssane so consistently converts suffering into power, not just for herself, but for others who are also suffering.”
"Having Ihssane as a woman of color and a fighter for what is right is inspirational. She is willing to hold those with special interest accountable. I support her, I believe in her and this is why I endorse her.”
Photo: Lex Weaver
“I proudly endorse Ihssane Leckey because Ihssane truly represents everything that I stand for. Ihssane believes like I do that everyone no matter your background brings value to the ‘table’. Everyone's life is a valuable lesson to learn from. Ihssane's Energy and Strong Spirit won't be ignored. Her Energy Shouts out loud and clear One race the human race. She's been vocal and present out there with me Marching with #BLM and other groups to end Systemic Racism in the USA. Ihssane will be vocal on the floor of the Congress. Even more so when She's given the opportunity to.
It would be an honor for many of us who live around my way if she were to become our next CongressWoman.
Please support and vote for Ihssane for Congress.”
“In a time when my city has been neglected by complacent politicians for generations, Ihssane Leckey has the proven leadership, experience, and vision we need to fight for Fall River and all working families and seniors in the district. She is the only candidate who will stand up against corporations and special interests and stand with us, the people, for justice.”
“COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter demonstrate the need for structural and foundational change. With respect to the New England Native American community, we deal with state violence inclusive of murdered and missing women and erasure through data disparities while promoting self determination and economic development. Ihssane is a compassionate leader who relates to our community, deeply informed by her own life experience.”
“If we really want to send a message that things need to change, there is absolutely no one like Ihssane.
Ihssane Leckey is a Wall Street regulator, a Brookline neighbor, a dear friend and fellow racial justice activist, and she manifests the two qualities I look for in any candidate: bravery and effectiveness.
Ihssane is THE most progressive candidate on every issue. An immigrant and a survivor, she stands with African-Americans, senior citizens, queer people. Her nationwide policy includes better treatment of Puerto Rico. Union workers love her. We live in a Y-shaped district that comprises 34 cities and towns, and I believe she can not only win the progressive vote in Brookline, but also the southern part of the district, which has many union workers.
In normal times, Ihssane's chances would have been good, but now they are simply great. Hers is the compassionate voice our community should send to Washington.”
“The current pandemic has left millions without jobs and healthcare, while trillions of dollars are handed to Wall Street instead of working families. As a Wall Street regulator, Ihssane Leckey is uniquely qualified to take on the corporate interests holding too much sway when it comes to the environment, health care, education and virtually every aspect of our society. Ihssane is smart, hard-working, compassionate and courageous, and she’s got my enthusiastic support.”
“Ihssane is a stalwart champion of working people whose policies would ensure healthcare is a right, our economy comes roaring back with an environmentally sustainable people-first recovery, and that opioid addiction is treated like a disease.”
"Ihssane is a brilliant activist organizer, Arab and Muslim American running for Congress in Massachusetts. She’s been on the frontlines and supports Medicare for All, a Green New Deal and just and humane foreign policy."
“I proudly endorse Ihssane Leckey for Congress because she understands the needs of her community and the nation, her family-first platform includes Universal Family Care, Medicare for All, and the Green New Deal puts the interests of the people and our planet first, not D.C. insiders.”
“When I was organizing the Women’s March on Washington in 2017, our dream was for unapologetic, progressive women of color like Ihssane Leckey to rise up & take their rightful place as leaders of this nation.
Ihssane will make a great Congressperson for MA-4 because she really listens to & understands the struggles of everyday families who now-more than ever- need Medicare For All, universal family care, guaranteed housing + high quality public education.
Based on her own experiences, she will bring a much-needed racial, economic and gender justice lense to every policy decision- something her opponents may not. Massachusetts deserve a representative in Congress who will fight for EVERYONE, and the woman for the job is Ihssane Leckey.”
“Ihssane Leckey is a powerhouse — and JVP Action is thrilled to endorse such a brave insurgent candidate. Ihssane’s passion, commitment and vision will bring a much needed change to Congress.”
“Ihssane brings her unique experience to the table as an immigrant, Wall Street regulator and mother. She’s running in a district that’s been held captive by party hegemony for decades, and she’s ready to bring change.”
“We are proud to endorse Ihssane Leckey for MA04 — we need her in Congress to fight for her family-first agenda of MedicareForAll, Universal Family Care, and a GreenNewDeal.”
“We are proud to endorse Ihssane Leckey — a transformational progressive woman who will undoubtedly bring new, bold perspective to Congress.”
“In an open race against corporate democrats, Ihssane is the best and strongest progressive choice. Let’s get her to Congress”
“Ihssane Leckey is a true progressive. America is in the throes of one of the deepest crises in its history. The way forward will be forged by politicians fully committed to the welfare of the average American, not by politicians supporting half measures that only serve the status quo and leave the rest of us struggling to survive.”
“Leckey is running on a progressive platform that includes support for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and social housing. If we are going to win the change we need in this country, 3P believes we will need to elect more people like Leckey.”
“On behalf of the rank and file as well as the leadership of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1445, we are proud to endorse Ihssane Leckey to represent the 4th Congressional District of Massachusetts. Ihssane Leckey’s labor platform is the most robust of all the candidates in the crowded field. Additionally, her experience as an immigrant resonates with our membership’s diverse backgrounds and experiences of struggle and resilience.”
“We believe that Ihssane is committed to representing everyone in CD4, including working class people, immigrants and people of color who make up such a large part of the gerrymandered district and whose needs are often ignored. Ihssane has made it clear that in the age of Covid-19 the priority issues are unemployment, pending evictions, mortgage foreclosures and new priorities for schools and policing.”
"Ihssane Leckey is of the people, and a champion for the people. She has set herself apart from other candidates by having a deeper commitment to a human-rights based foreign policy. She is more progressive when is comes to standing up against those who corrupt our system for personal gains, such as investment bankers and the politicians who accept their money.”
“Friends of the Earth Action is thrilled to endorse Ihssane Leckey. Her support for a Green New Deal and Medicare for All prove that she will fight for people and the planet, not corporate interests. Leckey is a true progressive champion for justice and she is exactly who we need in Congress.”
"The 2020 election may be one of the most defining of our lifetime and Ihssane Leckey embodies the courage needed to change the course of our future.
As an immigrant from Morocco, turned Wall Street regulator, Ihssane saw first hand how a system that is stacked against the People in favor of the wealthy and powerful, can tear directly into the fabric of the American Dream.
Ihssane knows that the power to build the country we believe in, lies within us. Future Generations is proud to endorse Ihssane for Massachusetts 4th Congressional district to fight for a nation that prioritizes environmental, racial, educational, and healthcare justice - above all else."
“Ihssane’s leadership will be instrumental in building the coalitions we need to pass a green economy recovery plan that centers the most vulnerable, and guarantees housing, healthcare, and living incomes for all people.”
“I am proud to stand with my sister in service and fellow Immigrant from Morocco, Ihssane Leckey, who is running for Congress in Massachusetts’ 4th Congressional District. As one who experienced the injustices our communities face, Ihssane’s rise to leadership is a response to our urgent call for Justice and Equity for all workers across our country.”
"I am excited to endorse Ihssane Leckey for MA's 4th Congressional District. It is important to have a new generation of leaders willing to challenge the system and lead with the needs of the people first — a leader that is willing to stand up and organize side by side against those who are failing us and set a course championed by the people, for the people.”
“As a parent, I think a lot about how we pass on to our kids, not just in words, but also in actions, that diversity really is our strength. Not just because it's the right thing, but because it really is beautiful. In policy and in politics, for far too long the discourse revolved around tolerating the ‘other,’ about acceptance rather than celebrating — whether it's racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, and so on. It's time for leaders that don't just walk the walk, but are really able to bring along this knowledge with them. From the moment I met Ihssane, and as I got to know her more and more — I learned that she is that candidate. Ihssane will bring that message, knowledge, and policies to Washington: our diversity is our beauty. It's who we are as Americans — because at the end of the day, tolerance is for lactose. Human and Americans, we need to celebrate!!!”
Brand New Congress, Matriarch PAC, Jewish Voices for Peace Action, Women Under 40 PAC, People’s Policy Project, Representative Ilhan Omar, ROC United Co-Founder Fekkak Mamdouh, former Michigan gubernatorial candidate and Medicare for All leader Abdul El-Sayed, Civil Rights Leader Linda Sarsour, Women's March and mama activist Bob Bland, and Arizona Democratic Party Vice-Chair & Trans Rights Advocate Brianna Westbrook, Youth Caucus of America CEO Coby Owens, Friends of the Earth Action, Jewish Transgender Rights Activist Abby Stein.
Massachusetts Peace Action, IfNotNow Boston, Progressive Needham, City Councilors Emily Norton and Bill Humphrey, President of the Board of Directors of the North American Indian Center of Boston Jean-Luc Pierite, former candidate for Mayor of Fall River Erica Scott-Pacheco, Democratic State Committee member from Fall River Kevin Costa, Former Candidate for State Senate, Worcester and Norfolk (Bellingham, Hopedale, and Milford) Tom Merolli, Milford Community leader RJ Sheedy, members of the Progressive Needham steering committee John and Susan Kirk, Brookline Town Meeting Member and Brookline Advisory Committee Member Donelle S. O'Neal Sr., recent Brookline Selectboard Candidate and racial justice advocate Eric Hyatt, CEO and Founder of Violence in Boston and racial justice advocate Monica Cannon-Grant, Chair of the YDMA Disabilities Caucus Leslie Templeton, Cambridge City Councilors Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler and Quinton Zondervan, Somerville City Councilor Ben Ewen-Campen, and more.